A FREE 3-Day Live Workshop Happening On September 9, 10 & 11

(Replays Will Be Available)

Activate Your INNATE Divine Feminine Wisdom & Leadership

Activate Your INNATE Divine Feminine Wisdom & Leadership

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How many times a day do you second guess yourself?

A 3rd guess? A 4th guess?   

This is
the #1 reason most women leak power form their Divine Feminine Bodies 

The constant second guessing has you fragmented … and the fragments have you second guessing yourself….
It's a vicious cycle!

It is time to restore yourself and your Divine Feminine Bodies to Wholeness

It is time to Trust Yourself

Trust The Divine Feminine

And move beyond all that has impeded you to play your role in sharing your wisdom and leadership

September 9, 10, & 11 - 10:00 am PST

(75 minutes each day)

You are in the right place if…

You are ready to Deepen into the embodiment of the Divine Feminine

You feel you have a role to play and are feeling impeded somehow in

fulfilling the fullness of the role

During This 3-Day Live Workshop...

Discover the Divine Feminine Bodies waiting for your coherence and leadership through Divine Feminine bodies Activation

Stop second

Guessing Yourself  

Discover the key to impeccable

boundaries that increase love in your life

Unlock the power of true discernment

For Self Leadership

Work with universal forces and magic

to align and take action together

What Our Sisters Say About Anahita

Azaria Ulmer - Shaman

and Healer

"Anahita just creates a really sacred safe space so you get to come with all your vulnerability, you get to come with all your fears, and it's all welcome. And in that place, you make your shift....your shift happens. Even if you're just thinking about joining this group, go for that, follow that. More women need this medicine. More women need this work..."

Kris Boesch - Choose People and Spirited Leadership Founder

"I have had the absolute honor and delight of having Anahita as a mentor. Her wisdom, awareness and capacity to develop groups in an experiential way is profound. She creates a powerful container and clearing for people to discover and deepen their own wisdom and insights. Through Anahita‘s guidance, coaching and practices, I have awaken to my own embodied divine feminine leadership. I will forever be grateful for who she has been for me in my transformation."

Catherine Jimenez-Spencer - Women’s Embodiment Guide

"Anahita is extraordinary. She has taken all that is Transformation, liberation, expansion and self actualization to a new level in my life. No area of my life has been untouched. If you were seeking a powerful, masterful mentor look no further. She will see, hold, stand for and coach you into your highest potential with fierce love. I recommend her to any woman desiring to go deep and high. I am deeply and forever grateful for who she has been in my life."

Anahita Joon is a modern-day priestess, healer, medicine woman and credentialed spiritual counselor. Born into Iran’s Islamic Revolution, her work today is a culmination of over 30 years of intensive study with mystic masters and shamans, social research and over 15  years of her own teaching and facilitation.

Anahita is the founder of She School, a global transformation and education company dedicated to restoring the sacred feminine through the embodied leadership of women. Anahita is also the Founder of The Ecstatic Leadership Institute, offering a professional coach training program for leaders called to move beyond duality into the era of unity and oneness.

Anahita’s clients include mothers, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, government employees, healers, emerging and established coaches and luminaries. She School Alumni are currently sitting on boards of cutting edge organizations in the fields of education, religion, psychology, psychedelic research and more. 

As a Feminine Leadership mentor, Anahita activates the sacred leadership of women, leaving no stone unturned in awakening and unleashing the force of nature every woman carries within. 

Ready to activate your INNATE

Divine Feminine Wisdom & Leadership?

Happening On September 9, 10 & 11

(Replays Will Be Available)

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